Nun ist sie also da, die Weihnachtszeit, und auch 2018 wird bald schon los gehen. Es gibt eigentlich gar nicht viel zu sagen in diesen Momenten, wo wir einfach glücklich sind über die Möglichkeiten und die Zeit, die wir schon auf Reisen verbringen! Es war ein herausforderndes, aufregendes, spannendes und sehr buntes Jahr! (mehr …)
Cheeky little birds – WPC
So we’ve decided to contribute to the weekly photo challenge on wordpress, sharing themed picture of our travels. For this week, the topic is „Cheeky – Find a little irreverence in your world.“
We certainly did, with this little Whiskyjack planting himself on Chris‘ head during a hike up to Joffre Lakes a few weeks ago. Can you be any more cheeky?
Thanks to Regina for capturing the moment! Enjoy everyone 🙂
Something else – Serene.
Despite spending our time here in Vancouver and sort of rather still being in that vibrant and hectic environment of the city, we make our travel plans and feel that we need time for ourselves in between. Each of us. We made the decision carefully to quit our lives at home, stepping into something almost completely new without even having a clear plan on how this will be. However, we keep on learning, about ourselves, from inspiring people we meet, from new tasks we take one. Keeping the discipline of writing a blog is one of them. Learning how to promote the other.
So this is our first attempt in taking part of the photo challenge, with this weeks topic Serene – sharing a visual moment of blissful quiet!
Well, immediately we could think of nothing else then our recent snowshoeing hike to the backcountry of B.C., the Elfin Lakes Shelter in Garibaldi Provincial Park. The vastness of this land, covered in snow, no traces other than those you break. Silence, as soon as you stop talking, just the whispering of the wind. Crispy cold it was, exhausting it was, but so rewarding to enjoy the moments far out there! Have a look:
About the picture: shot with Canon EOS7D, Canon EFS 10-22, little adjustments via Adobe Lightroom. Credits to MEC Vancouver for taking us out on this amazing field course!
Roadtrip east – Erste Eindrücke!
Und nun mal einige Impressionen ohne vorab-Geplänkel – habt viel Spaß beim Anschauen, der Reisebericht folgt!
Ok friends, this time some impressions without further ado – just enjoy, the reports will follow!